De Luca Partners specialises in providing the right business advice to Small, Medium and Large businesses throughout Melbourne. We can assist in all your Compliance work, Business Structuring, Tax planning and in many other areas.

Compliance Work

We can assist you with your Tax Return, FBT return, GST BAS and IAS lodgements, we can further assist with Payroll Tax and your employer obligations such as Work Care and Superannuation obligations, just to mention a few.

Business Structuring

You have done all the hard work in deciding on your business, researching and planning your goals to success, but one area many people forget about is the Business structure required to run the business. Is it a Trust, a Company, or both? Well here at De Luca Partners we will ensure that the right structure is established for you ensuring that Tax and other risk issues are addressed. The wrong structure could cost you thousands.

Tax Planning and Consulting

This goes hand in hand with your business structuring advice. Once we understand your requirements we can help you with tax planning to ensure that you pay the correct amount of tax and do not unnecessarily pay too much.

GST, FBT and CGT Advice

These three taxes are a major component of the overall taxes that any business pays. Here, the right advice is crucial in ensuring all obligations are met correctly and in a timely manner but at the same time not paid unnecessarily. The team at De Luca Partners can ensure that these areas of tax are addressed correctly.

Cash flow and Budgeting

A business’ cash flow and budgeting is a very important area for any business, from the daily running of your business to the cash flow requirements of lenders. De Luca Partners is more than happy to assist you in these areas.

Asset Protection

Why do we all work hard? The answer is to create assets which in turn create wealth in order to ensure a comfortable retirement. As we accumulate our assets we then need to ensure that these assets are safe and not at risk. Here at De Luca Partners we can assist you in organising your affairs to ensure that your assets are protected in the best possible way.

Succession Planning and Estate Planning

Succession planning and Estate planning are very important factors that one should not ignore. Succession planning out of a business for instance is a must for people who have partners to ensure that the exit strategy is the right one for you. Estate planning is most important as well in order to ensure that our loved ones don’t end up with unnecessary tax implications. Our network of experts and business affiliates can help you get the right advice to ensure that these issues are under control.