With the rate for FBT set to go above the highest marginal rate from next April, business owners may want to review remuneration packages to ensure arrangements are still beneficial – for both employers and their employees.

When family or friends pay nominal amounts to use your holiday house, is this income assessable? We run over the tax implications of asking for “mates rates”. Another common tax issue with regards to property is negative gearing, so we look at the basics and the strategy’s pros and cons.

Given the legislative wranglings coming out of Canberra, especially when it comes to welfare issues, we thought it prudent to give the once-over to the Age Pension, and run over its make-up, eligibility criteria and payment rates. We also provide a Christmas year-end checklist that will guide your business from a tax consequence point of view when planning your end-of-year activities.

Should you require more information regarding any topic touched upon in this newsletter, please feel free to contact our office for personal advice.

Click to Download De Luca Partners December 2014 Newsletter

Disclaimer: All information provided in this newsletter is of a general nature only and is not personal financial or investment advice. Also, changes in legislation may occur frequently. We recommend that our formal advice be obtained before acting on the basis of this information.