Thousands of Australians head offshore each year to expand their horizons and a lucky few will fund their adventure by working overseas. There are however important tax considerations. We run through the dangers.

If we have already lodged your tax return but you’ve discovered an extra deduction you could have claimed, or became aware of an error that needs fixing, don’t panic. There are ways to make sure your assessment has the right outcome.

There are certain tax breaks made available to the small business sector that every small business owner should know about, so we spell out what is available. We also look at how the tax system treats children’s income, spell out the top tax mistakes that small businesses keep making, and discover that there is such a thing as a deductible cup of tea.

Please contact this office for clarification, or further advice, regarding any of the topics covered in this newsletter.

Click to Download De Luca Partners September 2015 Newsletter

Disclaimer: All information provided in this newsletter is of a general nature only and is not personal financial or investment advice. Also, changes in legislation may occur frequently. We recommend that our formal advice be obtained before acting on the basis of this information.